Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ShortCut Photshop

Mempercepat pekerjaan desain atau sekedar edit-edit foto di adobe photosop perlu sedikit trik dan cara untuk menyingkat pekerjaan kita. Biasanya hampir semua pemula photoshop selalu menggunakan menu navigasi maupun tool bar yang sdh disediakan. Namun sejalan dg seringnya kita memakai photoshop sdh bukan rahasia lagi jika kita harus menggunakan perintah tersembunyi / hidden shortcut untuk mempermudah pekerjaan kita…

1. Jika Mencopy  layer? pake saja : Ctrl+J.  Kalau Anda make’  Machintos ? perintahnya sama bro’.
2: Artinya tekan Ctrl, berarti tekan Cmd, pada keyboard mac.
3: Membuat layer baru, tekan Ctrl+Shift+N (Cmd-Shift-N on the Mac).
4: Menghapus atau delete  layer, arahkan ke toolnya dan tekan Delete (or Control-Delete).
5: Semua tombol keyboard yang di pencet mengandung perintah shortcut.
6: Kecuali tombol  F dipake’ untuk  full-screen,
7: Q untuk quick mask,
8: and D
9:  X untuk default dan switch colors.
10: Tekan  angka 1 s/d 0 untuk mengatur opacity/transparasi kelipatan 10%.
11: Tekan angka dua digit untuk mengontrol opacity lebih detail kelipatan 1!.
12: Press Shift+plus to advance a blend mode;
13: Shift+minus to back up.
14: Press Shift and Alt with a letter for a specific mode.
15: Mac folks, Alt means Option.
16: Ctrl+plus memperbesar tampilan.
17: Ctrl+minus memperkecil tampilan.
18: Spacebar gets the hand so you can drag the image around.
19: There’s also Ctrl+spacebar in
20: and Alt+spacebar out.
21: Ctrl+spacebar-drag to zoom way the hell in.
22: Ctrl+Z undoes atau mundur ke langkah sebelumnya.
23: Ctrl+Alt+Z backsteps.
24: Ctrl+Shift+Z steps forward.
25: Ctrl+Shift+F fades an edit.
26: F12 reverts / kembali ke awal open file,
27: Itself an undoable operation.
28: Ctrl+X delete  sekaligus copy paste 
29: Ctrl+C copies.
30: Ctrl+V pastes.
31: Memperbesar Image Size: Ctrl+Alt+I.
32: Memperbesar Canvas Size, Ctrl+Alt+C.
33: Ctrl+F kembali pada filter terakhir.
34: Ctrl+Alt+F for different settings.
35: Using a selection tool? Drag to start a new selection
36: Or move a selection outline.
37: Shift adds untuk seleksi object.
38: Alt deletes.
39: Shift and Alt finds the intersection.
40: Press the spacebar to move the selection on-the-fly.
41: Ctrl+A selects semuanya;
42: Ctrl+D menghilangkan selects .
43: Ctrl+Shift+I selects what’s not selected and deselects everything else.
44: Ctrl+Alt+R brings up Refine Edge.
45: Alt-click with the lasso tool to draw straight-sided selections.
46: Shift-click with a brush to paint straight lines.
47: Press Alt with a brush to get the color-lifting eyedropper.
48: Tekan Ctrl untuk merubah tool.
49: Ctrl+H menyembunyikan tampilan selection dan “extras.”
50: Ctrl+1,
51: 2,
52: 3 to switch channels.
53: Ctrl+tilde for full-color composite.
54: Ctrl+L ke menu Levels,
55: Ctrl+M mengatur warna Curves,
56: Ctrl+B mengatur Color Balance,
57: Ctrl+U mengatur Hue/Saturation.
58: Add Alt to bring up the last settings.
59: Tekan Ctrl, Shift, dan Alt lalu tekan juga tombol B untuk Black & White.
60: In Levels and Curves, Alt-drag that white slider triangle to preview the clipped highlights
61: Or that black one for clipped shadows.
Want to duplicate an image? Don’t choose this [Duplicate];
62: Just click here [Create new document from History state].
63: Press Ctrl+W to close an image.
64: Y to save changes,
65: N to abandon them.
66: On the Mac, that’s S and D.
67: Esc atau Cancel jika ada / keluar pesan menu box  aneh-aneh yang bikin kamu nggak ngerti. Smua dah taau.. Esc. 
68:  Ctrl+T untuk menyeleksi atau Free Transform.
69: Press Enter to apply or Esc to skip it.
70: Ctrl+Alt+T transforms a copy.
71: Ctrl+Shift+T  repeats the last transformation.
72: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T plays a transformation sequence.
73: Press a bracket key to change the size of a brush.
74: Press Shift+bracket to change its hardness.
75: Caps Lock for precise cursors.
76: Alt switches dodge to burn and burn to dodge.
77: The comma and period keys cycle through gradients.
See this tool [sharpen]? Worthless. Look at this. You want this? Worthless!
Yes, that’s a tip: Don’t use the tool!
78: Bang, there’s another one!
79: Ctrl-click a thumbnail in the Layers, Channels, or Paths palette to load a selection.
80: Press slash to lock a layer’s transparency.
81: Press tilde to hide the image while viewing a mask.
82: Press backslash to view the layer mask.
83: Ctrl+Backspace fills the background color;
84: Alt+Backspace: foreground color.
85: Add Shift to fill just the opaque pixels.
86: Press Shift+Backspace to get the Fill dialog box. 
87: That’s trans lock’s opposite [Behind mode]. It locks opacity.
88: Ctrl+bracket moves layers forward and back.
89: Add Shift to go all the way.
90: Alt+bracket selects layers.
91: Press Shift to select multiple layers.
        Press Ctrl+Shift+A to select all layers.
92: That’s wrong. It’s Ctrl+Alt+A!
93: But Ctrl+G, that groups layers in a folder.
94: Ctrl+E merges selected layers.
95: Ctrl+Shift+E merges visible layers.
96: Ctrl+Alt+E stamps a layer onto the one below.
97: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E merges everything on a new layer.
98: Ctrl+Shift+C copies a merged version of the layers.
99: Ctrl+Shift+V pastes an image in a selection.
100: Alt-click here [Add layer mask]
101: Or here [Cancel to Reset]
102: Or here [trash without warning]
103: Or here [color ramp to switch background color]
104: Or here [eyeball to hide all others]
105: Or here [horizontal line to make clipping mask]
106: Or here [color swatch to delete].

Selesai dah..
Ada yang mau nambahin Coment Yaaaa


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